$100,000 And 200,000 Targeted Visitors In Under 60 Days!

$100,000 And 200,000 Targeted Visitors In Under 60 Days!


The Author has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or
represent at any time that the contents within are 100% accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet as well as other factors.

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly.

This report is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.

You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.


This method is used by multi-million dollar businesses as well as small businesses on a daily basis. Therefore, it is nothing new or groundbreaking... But it works!

It's really a numbers game, and when you play with numbers it can get pretty fun -- and sometimes pretty astonishing.

In this case we are going to use an email advertising campaign that was done by a client of mine, through the company Headstrong Media, in south Florida as an example.

I did not achieve this myself and I am not the product owner... However, I did help out by giving marketing advice and doing some minor web design work and copywriting for the product owner who was my client at the time. With my help and with the help, services and ingenuity of Headstrong Media -- my client made $100,000 and got 200,000 targeted visitors to his website in under 60 days.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with Headstrong Media, Inc. and we came across them by doing a simple Google search for email marketing services in our area at the time.

I am now sharing this story with you not only to give you inspiration, but to give you ideas and get your creative juices flowing as well. Don't think that $100,000 in 60 days is an unbelievable amount of money... Amazon.com earns over $100,000 in revenue EVERY HOUR! It's all a numbers game and that is the main point of this report, to open your eyes to the idea of increasing the numbers = increasing your profits.

Also this form of email advertising is not known by many internet marketers and is shrugged off as SPAMMING to some people who are clearly misinformed and perhaps afraid of the idea of emailing someone else's HUGE LIST of OPT-IN subscribers.

The Power Is In The Numbers!

This company, Headstrong Media, sends out mass emails to people who have subscribed to one of their niche lists and asks them if they would be interested in receiving product promotions, what kind of products and what price range they would want! They can either opt OUT, or fill out the survey and opt IN to receive product offers.

They do this in HUNDREDS of the most popular niche markets and they have subscriber lists of MILLIONS of people who actually WANT TO RECEIVE OFFERS IN THOSE NICHES. The subscribers must DOUBLE and/or even TRIPLE opt-in and are well aware that they will be receiving product offers from various companies.

This is crucial, because many companies that offer mailings just have old, outdated lists and are potentially not even legal! You must be very careful and cautious when dealing with companies that offer mailings and NEVER buy bulk email addresses as you could end up being charged with felony SPAM crimes.

This particular company Headstrong Media, Inc. is one of the "good guys" and according to their website, they do bulk emailing for the following companies.

$100,000 And 200,000 Targeted Visitors In Under 60 Days!

You can access this information and more information at http://www.Headstrong-Media.com or to see the above CLIENTS page directly, go to the URL: http://www.headstrong-media.com/media/pages/clients.html

If You think that $100,000 in one month is a dificult thing to achieve, check out these numbers. Everything in business (and in a lot of aspects of life) is about numbers. Proof is ALWAYS in the numbers.

My client set up an E-Mail Campaign to sell his Product.

The most I can say about this product is that it was in the weight loss niche (a very HOT niche).

Of course, this can be done with any niche. Some great suggestions are: 

1. Money Making Opportunities (Work at Home)
2. Golf
3. Travel
4. Music
5. Electronics
6. Fitness/Body Building
7. Addiction/Recovery
8. Self-Improvement
9. Depression
10. Business to Business
11. Weight Loss
12. Nutrition

The process worked as follows...

Basically, we created a simple email ad for the product and planned on having a link to the sales page in the email.

Then, Headstrong Media helped us create an "email creative" which consisted of a SPAM-FREE HTML email that was sleek and professional looking, got the point across to the consumer and linked directly to the sales page. When I say SPAM-FREE, I mean they actually run the HTML ad through a SPAM checker software that gives them a rating as to how likely the email is to show up in people's SPAM folder. That doesn't mean the emails are illegal, it just means that VERY OFTEN, html emails will get filtered through by a SPAM filter. Sometimes just by using certain words in an email, it can get trapped by a SPAM filter... It happens all the time.

My client decided that he wanted to email 10,000,000 people. That's right, TEN MILLION people. He had to cough up some money for this of course to do so, but boy did it pay off! (Like ANY business, making money requires an investment of some kind.)

As I recall, his stats weren't even that great... He only received about a 20% open rate which gave him TWO MILLION people that saw the sales email...

And then ONLY A 10% Click-through rate (CTR) on the link to the sales page. That gave him 200,000 targeted visitors to his website!

The product offer converted at about 2% giving him 4,000 purchases netting him about $26 each... Which brought him around $104,000! This brings him very close to $100,000 in profit and it was all done in less than 60 days.

This can obviously be done with an affiliate offer, a squeeze page, etc. or to offer your own product(s) or service(s). So if you are promoting a product via Clickbank as an affiliate, you can easily set up an email campaign and all you need to have is a landing page with your affiliate link embedded and a compelling email offer... And you are good to go!

This saves you time if you do not have a list of your own, or if your list is not big enough or responsive enough yet to really make a decent profit from. Think about it... Paying a flat fee for a "JV" type opportunity like this is way better than giving someone 50% of the profits to email their list(s)!

The reason why it took 60 days is because the way Headstrong Media works is they email the subscribers from their own servers and it can take a while to send ten million emails using dedicated servers that are solely dedicated to YOUR email campaign. They do it is shorter "eBlasts" of about 200,000 emails at a time.

They have a very detailed tracking system as well, that tracks all of the emails that were sent, how many were opened, how many people clicked on the link inside the email, etc. which looks like this following picture:

$100,000 And 200,000 Targeted Visitors In Under 60 Days!

Remember, this company sends out opt-In emails that ask people what type of products they would like to recieve emails about and some even have a form to fill out that asks
how much they are willing to spend on such products (via a checkbox for $0-100 or $100-200 - $200-$500, etc.)

These customers fill out the form, Opt-In and then send the email back....You KNOW they're interested and responsive customers!

This is almost more like a Joint Venture situation. They have giant lists (millions of people) in many different niche markets, and you get to email your sales pitch to them.

Also, If you Google Bulk Email Services you will find everything you need. There are a few companies that offer this service but you should be sure to read reviews, etc. before choosing the one that's best for you. You do NOT want to be involved with any kind of "Black Hat" or spamming activity.

The service costs around $5,000 to send 10,000,000 emails in a month/under 60 days. Of course you can run cheaper campaigns too!

If $5,000 is out of your league, you can always start by emailing LESS than ten million people! My client actually sent out more emails than most of Headstrong Media's clients and they were very surprised when we requested a quote to send out ten million emails!

Like ANY business, online OR offline, you must spend money to make money and there is just no other way around it. To make $100,000 you have to either do $100,000 worth of work to EARN that money -- OR you can make an investment and profit from the return.

You can still do very well when sending out less emails and then you can re-invest your money into more campaigns or other business ventures.

This is a great price considering the numbers/profit you can generate! What if he just had a 1% conversion? That's still $60,000 (if you are netting $26 on a product or with an affiliate commission which a lot of products do) What about a half of a percent conversion? That's still $30,000!!!


Do not just go out and try to purchase a bunch of email addresses. Find a reputable company that doesn't even show you the email addresses and sends your advertising campaign to their opt-in clients for your niche. Make sure you ask them if they provide tracking links for you within 24 hours so you can view your stats (emails sent/opens/clicks/views).

Do your research before you choose a company! Also, for a small fee they will be able to put together an impressive HTML sales email for you that will convert better than just a text sales letter, but well written text emails have made people millions of dollars in the past!

Make sure you include your affiliate link or a link to your website in the email! I hope this story inspires you and makes you a lot of money in the future. Happy eMailing!

NOTE: Make Sure you NEVER are involved in SPAMMING people. DO NOT go out and purchase a list of email addresses and send them unsolicited emails. That is spam. The services I mentioned do NOT sell you email addresses, you in fact never see any email address but your advertising campaign goes out and you get tracking links to how many opens/views/clicks you've had.


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